Blogger Interrogation: Getting Cheeky

The blogger: Jessica 

What is the first blog you remember following? 
I watched YouTube videos long before I discovered the wonderful world of beauty blogging. Laura of Lollipop26 was always a YouTube favorite, and when I discovered she had a blog I remember being absolutely elated! I was crushed when she decided to stop blogging, but a girl can still dream can’t she? I like to think Laura will be back one day. 

What is the last blog you followed? 
I’m constantly looking for new reads, so I don’t remember the precise blog that I last followed. However, one of my new favorites, The Bubbling, is a great source of new product information! 

Without checking, how many lipsticks do you think you own? 
I can’t imagine I own more than 20. I’ve only recently become a lipstick connaisseuse! 

How many do you really own? 
I can’t believe I really only own 16! My makeup collection is burgeoning in other areas (I’ll thank my lucky stars you didn’t ask me to count my glosses), but apparently lipstick is not something I’ve been over-purchasing. 

You can only use 3 makeup products for the rest of your life. Which ones will they be? 
1. MAC’s Studio Sculpt Concealer in NC20 is an easy first choice. I could probably live without foundation, but I have HORRIBLE genetic dark circles around my eyes. Without concealer I feel like the crypt keeper! 

2. Mascara, preferably FRESH Supernova. Though eyeliner and eye shadow aren’t desert island essentials, per se, I definitely couldn’t go without the added bright eyed and refreshed look that mascara seems to give me. 

3. Carmex is a life long must have for me. If I get to class or work and discover I haven’t brought a tub or a tube with me for the day I have a bit of a panic attack. My lips tend to get chapped quite easily, and no lip liner, lipstick, or gloss would ever work for me without Carmex. 

You have to get rid of three of your makeup products right now. Which ones will they be? 
Do I have to? I suppose if I needed to narrow my stash I would start by getting rid of my Kat Von D Ludwig eye shadow palette. I purchased it on a whim and I have never particularly cared for it. I could also say goodbye to my MAC Venomous Villains Magically Cool Liquid Powder that I bought because of all the hype. It’s an interesting texture, but all said and done it doesn’t do anything special. And the final item just might have to be Bare Minerals Well Rested. I initially thought I liked it much better than I do: it’s suddenly just a bit too cakey for my liking. 

What is your best makeup tip? 
I think I may have gotten this from a magazine at some point. In the absence of a nail file, the strip on a matchbook can stand in to file down a jagged/broken nail. Before you go telling me no one carries matchbooks anymore think about your local restaurant or bar, most establishments still have matchbooks on hand. 

What is your makeup pet peeve? 
I don’t know how to say this delicately, but I absolutely hate it when women wear a great deal of eye makeup and get the equivalent of daytime sleepy seeds in the corners of their eyes. I know this is an affliction that we all battle, but that’s why we have mirrors! 

What is the worst makeup crime you’ve ever committed? 
I’m not afraid to say it: in high school I went through an emo phase. If you can picture a horrible haircut, and offensive makeup colors then you can picture my worst makeup crime! 

What is one thing your readers don’t know about you? 
I’m not certain how obvious it is, but I’m a total nerd! Apart from my girly interest in makeup, I’m an honors student, I only watch the history channel and the food network, and I will take you on any day in Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble! 

Please link us to your favorite post. 
March Cheeky Checklist. I’ve always really liked writing my Cheeky Checklist posts (my equivalent of a mid-monthly favorites), and I just love something about the look of this one. 

Thank you to Jessica for letting us interrogate her! 

Thank you so much for the overwhelmingly positive response so far on my Blogger Interrogation series! It seems there are quite a few people interested in being interrogated and so far, I have bloggers lined up for the next few weeks so unfortunately, I won't be taking any more volunteers at this time. I'll be sure to let you guys know when I am (probably pretty soon)! Thanks so much for understanding :)


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