Blogger Interrogation: Fierce Nerditude

The blogger: Vijaya

What is the first blog you remember following?
 The first blog I ever read was Temptalia, but back then I didn’t really “follow” blogs: I bookmarked them and checked back once or twice a day. In fact, I didn’t start “following” blogs ‘til late last year. I think the first blog I officially “followed” was Phyrra’s

What is the last blog you followed? 
I’m actually not sure, but I think it was Swatch Storm

Without checking, how many lipsticks do you think you own? 
Goodness, I have no clue. 40? 50? That’s if you don’t count liquid lipstick, pencil-style lipstick products, etc. 

How many do you really own? 
Without counting anything other than items “traditionally” considered to be lipstick, 96 (excluding items that may or may not have fallen to the bottom of my dresser drawer). If we count less traditional items like liquid lipstick, potted lipstick and lipstick pencils? Let’s not go there. 

You can only use 3 makeup products for the rest of your life. Which ones will they be? 
MAC Prep + Prime Face Protect, because it’s a face primer with SPF that doesn’t leave me with a weird white cast. Also, MAC Pro Longwear Foundation in NC50, because I need my foundation to be long-wearing and transfer-resistant. Lastly, Bare Escentuals Buxom Lip Polish in Dolly: it’s a good touch-of-color gloss that I can wear daily. Actually, on school days I usually have to get up so early that these three items are all I use! 

You have to get rid of 3 of your makeup products right now. Which ones will they be? 
I have these two Jordana “Quickliner” lip pencils in Currantly and Wild Orchid. They’re hard and not very pigmented, and the only reason I haven’t binned them already is because I’m determined to use them up. Also, there’s my Nyx Jumbo lip pencil in Pink Nude because it’s too light on me and doesn’t offer any staying power. If I can cheat and give you one more product that’s not really makeup, I also really should consider tossing my Clinique clarifying lotion. It’s just not as good for my skin as other toners I’ve tried! 

What is your best makeup tip?
 Be yourself and the rest will come. It doesn’t necessarily sound like a makeup tip per se, but trust me, it always seems so obvious to me when a girl (or guy!) is wearing their makeup in a way they don’t like to. People always look their best in the stuff they like to wear, whether that’s a polished, natural face or blue lips, green mascara and glitter all over. Don’t use makeup to hide you: use it to be you! Also, if you’re like me and you enjoy blue, green and black (or other unusual /otherwise fussy) lip products, try blotting it and then applying again on top. That makes everything look a lot smoother with minimal effort. 

What is your makeup pet peeve? 
When you buy a ‘non-sticky’ gloss and it feels like it’s just oil on your lips. Ew! 

What is the worst makeup crime you’ve ever committed? 
Not wearing eye primer! I started wearing makeup when I was 12, but until I was 15 or 16 I didn’t know about eye makeup primer. I would put my sparkly black eyeshadow on at the beginning of the day and by the end… Let’s just say that Too Faced Shadow Insurance has changed my life for the better! 

What is one thing your readers don’t know about you? 
Hmmm… Tough question! One of the things I’m really open about on my blog is that I’m a total gamer geek, but I guess they might not know I’m also a geek for sci-fi/fantasy literature, anime and manga, and—of all things—theater (especially musicals). Also, I know Latin. I took it for 3 years in high school, and can speak it conversationally because of a test I had to take. 

Please link us to your favorite post. 
I do a series of makeup posts inspired by the Final Fantasy series of games, and my favorite post might be the one inspired by Fran of Final Fantasy XII! If I can cheat just one more time (I’m so bad!) I also really like the one I did on Yuna from Final Fantasy X 

 Thank you to Vijaya for letting us interrogate her!

Thank you so much for the overwhelmingly positive response on my Blogger Interrogation series! It seems there are quite a few people interested in being interrogated and already, I have bloggers lined up again for the next few weeks so unfortunately, I won't be taking any more volunteers at this time. I'll be sure to let you guys know when I am! Thanks so much for understanding :)


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