Blogs I'm Currently Loving ♥ Vol.IV

I performed a little "Blogs I'm Following" clean-up a few weeks ago when I noticed I was following close to 300 blogs (the limit set by GFC), and unfollowed blogs that hadn't updated in several months (which was a lot of them!) in order to make room for me to follow active blogs. This round of my Blogs I'm Currently Loving, I'm highlighting three blogs I've come across more recently and one that I've been a longtime reader of :)

All the Vanity
I've been following Tina's blog for ages and only recently started getting to know her on Twitter too. She always has nice, clear photos and when she's reviewing a product, she often also provides photos of the product in action (i.e. eye shots for eyeshadows or lip shots for lipsticks/lipglosses). In addition to her photos, it's quite clear that she also puts time and effort into the written content on her blog, and I particularly enjoy her writing style (not too long, not too short, and not an abundance of typos and grammatical errors - Hooray!).

Getting Cheeky
Jessica's blog is just getting off its feet, but I really think she's off to a great start. I know from personal experience that my blog was a p.o.c. when I first started (not knowing camera angles, how to take interesting photos, or what to talk about in a review) but Jessica's blog already has great photos and she already knows how to write captivating posts and useful reviews. I think it's a blog worth checking out if only to support a newbie blogger, but also because Getting Cheeky actually has quality!

My Funny Valentine
Jen's blog is relatively new to my blog list but I'm already loving it for her FOTDs and fantastic lip swatches. I don't know anyone who can pull off so many different shades of red quite like she can (I'm so jealous!). In addition, she's super pretty and always has really clear photos. And in case you couldn't tell, clear photos are my thing! ;)

HRH Collection
HRH Collection should actually be in my Blogs I'm Currently Obsessed With post (but I'm not creepy enough for that post to actually exist) because I'm more than loving it! I really enjoy her blogging style - simple and not extremely in-depth because her posts are often complements to her YouTube videos. She's also gorgeous and knows how to take interesting photos. Again with the photos! It's difficult to explain, but her blog makes me feel inspired about everything from her makeup to her outfits to her interior design aesthetic.

Each and every one of these four blogs are fabulous blogs that are worth checking out and I encourage all of you to do so now! Let me know if you love them as much as I do :)


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