Because if they do, this is what I'd want:

Butter London Nail Lacquer in Blagger $14
This was recommended to me by Rachel on Twitter when I asked for a vibrant blue nail polish with minimal to no shimmer. I googled it and swooned. It's exactly the color I was envisioning and although I'm not usually one for blue nails, I think it'd be gorgeous in the spring and summer :) I'm not impressed by the price, though, since after shipping it would cost close to $20, but I'm thinking that OPI's Ogre the Top Blue may be similar and half the price?

Bare Escentuals Eyecolor in Nude Beach $13
Described as a warm sand, Nude Beach appears to be an eyeshadow that has such a high-frost finish that it almost looks wet when applied (based on swatches I've seen). My. Eyelids. Need. This.

MAC Face and Body Foundation $32.50
I can hear the whispers already. Doesn't she know how awful MAC foundations are?! It's going to make her break out! Yes, I know. I actually vaguely recall my college roommate telling me that this particular foundation broke her out too. But still, so many people seem to love it - that's got to mean something, right?

Chanel Natural Finish Loose Powder $52
I'm not exactly sure why I want this. I just do. Maybe it's because I have a preconceived notion that everything Chanel is amazing? Yup, that must be it. That, and the fact that if it's good enough for Pixiwoo's face, it sure as hell is good enough for mine! ;)
NARS #27 Yachiyo Brush $50
Last time I was at the NARS counter, I bought Taos blush, an uber pigmented, warm, shimmery red. The SA tried to convince me that I needed the Yachiyo brush in order to achieve the perfect application but for once, I practiced self-control and convinced myself that I could go without it. But, you know what, friendly NARS girl? You made an impression on me and your words have not left me, despite it being months since we last spoke. Yachiyo, I may very well bring you home one day.
Anything here you've tried? As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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