I've noticed that I don't talk very much about my personal life on my blog, and I think it's because I'm more of a private person anyway and for the most part, I just prefer to keep my blog focused on makeup and beauty. However, I think I'm going to start sprinkling in a personal post every now and again and what better way to start than with a blog award that requires me to share seven things about myself :)
Anna Saccone passed the Stylish Blogger Award on to me a few days ago, so let's get started...
I've had the same group of six best friends for years, and we've all known each other since elementary school. We came up with an acronym for our group, BAKAMAT, and it's comprised of the first letter of each of our first names. Yes, we are standing in order :)
I'm still obsessed with my ex-boyfriend's boston terrier, Brady (she's a girl). Luckily, we're still good friends so I still see her from time to time. I bought her that sweater...doesn't she just look adorable?
I'm never completely satisfied with my hair. One year it'll be long and the next year, it'll be bob-length. Here I am in November 2009 right before I went to the hairdresser's to chop it all off...I was taking a "Before" pic :) Also, I wear glasses and contacts (not at the same time, though, obviously!). I've since retired the pair in the photo above.
I have a 13 year old sister and a 27 year old brother. This is a picture of us taken about a year and a half ago.
One of my proudest accomplishments of my life thus far is graduating college with a degree in Biology.

Salmon nigiri sushi is my favorite food, hands down! I love all sushi but this one, in particular, is my favorite.
My favorite dessert (or just whenever I feel like eating it, really!) is red velvet cupcakes.
I know that I'm supposed to pass this award on to 10 other bloggers, but I'd really like to get to know all of you a little bit better. So yes, I'm taking the easy way out and essentially tagging all of you to share 7 things about yourself! Link me to your posts below so I can get to know you. Don't be shy :)
Thank you, again, to Anna for passing this award on to me!
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