...when she needs to keep her obsession in check in order to prevent it from spiraling out of control into a full-blown addiction. I'm talking a dramatic intervention with tears and ultimatums... the whole nine yards. Ok, so that was totally a joke and I'm not that bad, but I've decided that the time has come for me to venture into unknown territory and put myself on a MAKEUP BAN!

Even though the above photograph is not of my own collection, my makeup purchases in the past month have exceeded what you see there. My two main reasons for wanting/needing to put myself on a makeup ban are the following:
1. The obvious reason-----to save my hard earned cash.
2. To save up my hard earned cash for July's MAC In the Groove collection. (Take a looksy here.) I already know that I'll be making enough purchases from this collection to make a pretty little dent in my bank account, so I best start saving up now.
My makeup ban officially starts the minute after I order from the Bella Sugar Cosmetics sale tomorrow. Why one last hoorah you ask? Because I actually wanted to buy a few things after reading Sprinkle of Glitter's review on her products but stopped short after hearing that BSC was having a sale the weekend of June 4th. So technically, this purchase should have been made weeks ago.
Anyhoo, my ban will start tomorrow and not be broken until July 6-8th when the In the Groove collection becomes available online and in-stores (I usually only purchase in-stores but you never know.). During this 5-week period I'll still continue to review and feature different products on my blog but rest assured, I have not broken my ban.
Ok, so wish me luck as I say goodbye to makeup "haul" posts until July!
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