After waiting about an hour, the model for the shoot had still not arrived. We tried calling her, texting her...but no answer. It was my first "model no show" In the modeling industry, a professional model not showing up for a shoot is one of the worst things.
Anyways, we were all so disappointed because everything was ready to go - hair, makeup, studio, photographer - and it was all going to go to waste because of the missing model.
Then, the photographer had the crazy idea of using ME as the model!!! Yeah I know!! Crazy! I refused to do it....i can not take a decent pictur to save my life. Well, the photographer would not take no for an answer so she forced me to do it.
I have to admit the end result looks awesome. I'm super happy with it and I'd thought I would share it with you guys.
So here's my first attempt at being a super model....NOT!

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