Brown Eyed Girl

Brown eyes are the easiest eye color to work with. Any eyeshadow color will work with Brown eyes....blues, greens, pinks....anything!

So if you have brown eyes, consider yourself an blank canvas and expirement and explore with as many colors as you can.

Here's a quick sample of a look you can do using eyeshadows in Greens & Browns.

Mac Blush in Melba
Mac cream shimmer in Pearl

Mac Brule e/s
Mac Shroom e/s
Mac Juxt e/s
Mac Humid e/s
Mac Soft Brown e/s
Mac Texture e/s
Mac Espresso e/s
Mac Brun e/s
Mac Teddy Eye liner
Smashbox Jet Set Liner

Smashbox Elegant l/s
Smashbox Afterglow lipgloss


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