Blogger Interrogation: Makeup and Macaroons

The blogger: Lilit 

What is the first blog you remember following? 
I was reading quite a few blogs before I “figured out” this whole following business! I used to save the links to my Favourites folder and go into them on a daily basis to see if there were updates. So when I finally figured things out, I think the 1st one I followed was Bubblegarm’s blog. 

What is the last blog you followed? 
I follow quite a few blogs, so this might change by the time I’m published, but right now it’s 25FLONDON

Without checking, how many lipsticks do you think you own? 
About 40 

How many do you really own? 
33 - fairly close but still under… surely that means I can buy more! 

You can only use 3 makeup products for the rest of your life. Which ones will they be? 
Mascara, concealer and blush. My favourite mascara at the moment is Max Factor False Lash Effect, favourite blush is Illamasqua Lover, and favourite concealer is Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer. 

You have to get rid of 3 of your makeup products right now. Which ones will they be? 
This is hard… I love all makeup! Ok, maybe primer coz I never feel the need to use one, bronzer (though I love it, I‘m clutching at straws here trying to find something to get rid of) and any cream eyeshadows which I never really use. 

What is your best makeup tip? 
Whatever makeup look you go for, make sure you wear it with confidence. And if you want to make your lips appear thicker put a little bit of highligher in your cupid’s bow area… works a treat! 

What is your makeup pet peeve? 
Mascara smudges on eyelids. 

What is the worst makeup crime you’ve ever committed? 
Wearing foundation that was far too light for my skintone, so I have plenty of photos where I have ghostly white face with tanned neck and chest area… horrible! 

What is one thing your readers don’t know about you? 
That I’m an only child. 

Please link us to your favorite post. 
Can I cheat and link to two? 
This one is more of a long story about my hunt through the streets of Europe for the Naked Palette.
And this one features my two favourite products from Illamasqua, a brand that I’m completely obsessed with! 

Thank you to Lilit for letting us interrogate her! 

I've finally looking for more volunteers - yay! If you wouldn’t mind being interrogated, shoot me an email at willworkformakeup@hotmail.combut only after first reading below.

**EDIT: Thank you so much for the overwhelmingly positive response on my Blogger Interrogation series! It seems there are quite a few people interested in being interrogated and already, I have bloggers lined up again for the next several weeks so unfortunately, I won't be taking any more volunteers at this time. I'll be sure to let you guys know when I am! Those who have already emailed me should expect an email response within the next day or two. Thanks so much for understanding :)

If you are one of the few people who have been repeatedly leaving you blog URL (repeatedly meaning with almost every comment you leave on here), saying things like "PLEASE FOLLOW ME!" (in all caps, too - I kid you not), and/or linking your giveaways in the comments section of my blog, PLEASE read the little blurb that's written directly above the box where you type your comments - I've tried to be respectful in asking you not to do those things, and you may or may not have noticed that none of your comments have been published. If you are one of these people, please refrain from emailing me about participating in the Blogger Interrogation series at this time. I don't appreciate you repeatedly attempting to use my blog as a platform in which to promote your blog/giveaways, and I do not want you to participate in the series right now.

To new followers and people who have only left their URLs in the comments once or twice (or in the past before I started asking you not to), this is absolutely not directed towards you at all so feel free to email me about being interrogated if you'd like to participate! I promise I still appreciate and read all of your comments but I just don't publish any comments that have blog URLs in them anymore just so it's fair - I hope you guys understand. It's really only the people who keep doing it over and over and OVER again that really offend me.

I really hope that hasn't offended anyone because that's not my intention but I just feel as though a few people have been disrespectful and trying to take advantage of my blog lately, and the last thing I'm going to do is give them further exposure by featuring them on my blog. I've never really ranted on my blog before and I definitely don't plan on making it a habit, so now that that's all said and done, I hope I haven't scared you all off from participating - have I? ;)


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