The Tale of Stereo Rose.

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a girl named Biffany. She was a happy little girl who's only interest seemed to be collecting pretty jewels...umm...I mean, she totally had other hobbies wasn't all about the jewels, because she obviously was aware of how unhealthy and obsessive that sounds.

Anyway, one summer, Biffany was invited to the Castle of MAC because King MAC and Queen MAC wanted to show off the royal family's collection of treasured jewels to the country folk. In the weeks prior to the big event, the whole town geared up for it by reading reviews on Temptalia...I mean, they geared up for it by spreading word of mouth about how gorgeous the royal jewels were supposed to be. One in particular, Stereo Rose (yes, the jewel was named for some reason...don't ask me!), had the whole town riled up in anticipation.

On the big night, Biffany got all dolled up in her prettiest peasant dress (it's not every day you get to catch a glimpse of the infamous Stereo Rose - word on the street was that it had been five years since it's last appearance!) and skipped on over to the Castle of MAC.

Once inside, Biff (we'll just call her Biff from here on out, okay?) found herself lost in a swarm of eager, whispering country folk who all surrounded an extravagant glass case. Inside the glass case was a gorgeous, shimmery, golden-coral jewel: it was Stereo Rose. In that moment, some thought they saw a light illuminating from the jewel; others claimed they heard angels sing. Those standing closest to the glass case were basically blinded by its beauty. No joke.

Stereo Rose was the most treasured jewel out of the royal family's whole collection, so it was no surprise that King MAC and Queen MAC didn't allow anyone to touch it. People oooh-ed and aaah-ed, pictures were taken (or maybe they were sketched on paper instead...cameras didn't exist back then, duh!), and there even may have been a few tears shed.

At the end of the night, as Biff was on her way out after a lovely night at the Castle of MAC, the King and Queen stopped her and asked if she would like her very own Stereo Rose (apparently they had extras to give away? I have no idea.). Her response? "No, thanks!"


That's right, my friends. As sweet as Biff was, she was an absolute idiot and thought that she was strong enough to resist the temptation and hype that was Stereo Rose. (You can all leave her a virtual slap across the face in the comments below.)

Anyway, as the months passed and Biff realized what a complete moron she was for passing up that opportunity, she eventually met a friend who was also obsessed with collecting pretty jewels. They talked frequently and one day, Biff felt comfortable enough around her new friend that she was ready to admit her big secret about passing up Stereo Rose months earlier. 

The next few moments were a blur as the following words were muttered from Biff's friend's mouth, "You can have my Stereo Rose. I never use it."


Biff immediately passed out and upon waking up minutes later, she obviously accepted her friend's overly generous offer and couldn't stop thanking her. Her friend was Alicia from the nearby land of FunnyFace Beauty (I'm sure you all follow her already...I mean, I'm sure you all have visited there already). 

Biff and Stereo Rose lived happily ever after...that is, until Biff finds another pretty jewel that's newer and even more sought after than Stereo Rose ;)

Now that Stereo Rose and Biff have been reunited, she can finally swatch it :)

If you've gotten this far in my delusional story, congratulations! Here is the translation:

Last summer, I previewed MAC's In the Groove collection at Nordstrom about a week before the collection was released. At the time, Stereo Rose MSF was available but for some unexplainable reason, I decided against pre-ordering it after deeming it 'not that special'. I thought I was so cool and strong for not giving in to the hype. Basically, I regretted my decision soon after, but the damage was done. Stereo Rose was sold-out, and I quickly gave up hope that it would ever be mine. Fast forward a few months, the lovely Alicia offered to send me her unloved Stereo Rose after I asked her to check the MAC Warehouse Sale she was going to for it, just in case. I was in awe of Alicia's generosity, especially since she obviously could've sold Stereo Rose for quite a bit of money if she wanted to. I guess it was meant to be with me and Stereo Rose after all :) Thank you so much, Alicia! Don't forget to check out FunnyFace Beauty here.


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