Blogs I'm Currently Loving ♥ Vol.III

Much like my last edition of this post, these two ladies hold a special place in my heart because they are two of the sweetest, most genuine people you'll ever talk to and I honestly consider them friends. In addition, they have ah-mazing blogs, which is precisely why I've included them in this post!

I absolutely love Ebru and her blog. I talk to her regularly on Twitter and she is the sweetest thing ever and always makes me laugh. She has interesting and fun posts on her blog that are always witty and well-written, complete with clear, fantastic photos. I've been following her blog for ages but only got to know her in recent months after joining Twitter, and I couldn't be happier that I have :) And just in case this matters, she is GORGEOUS!

Kali's blog is jam-packed with amazing reviews! I've honestly never once read a review of hers where I didn't feel she was being completely 100% honest. She never fails to state the positives and negatives of the product and even in cases where it hasn't worked out for her personally, she always explains why it hasn't so that you can decide for yourself whether or not it will work for you. She never tries to shove her opinions in your face, which is why I believe she has such a loyal and well-deserved readership.

Also, if it ever seems I've gone a long time without doing a new 'Blogs I'm Currently Loving' post and you're looking for some good reads, remember I always have some of my favorites listed in my blog roll to the right of my blog >>>>

These two blogs are more than worth checking out and I promise if you like my blog, you'll LOVE theirs!


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